
While the host is critical of Gore

The filmmakers behind "Bully" — the louis vuitton evidence sunglasses lauded documentary about the national bullying epidemic — stood up to the system and won.

The Weinstein Co. said Thursday that after cutting a few F-bombs from the piece, they got its R rating reduced to a PG-13.

The Motion Picture Association of America’s ruling means the flick’s target audience can now get in without dragging mom and dad to it. The original R-rating met anyone under17 couldn’t get in solo.

The one crucial scene on a bus where a 12-year-old is tormented is left in, F-bombs and all. A few curses in other scenes were cut.

"This was the scene that carried all of the emotional weight of the movie, the language was so representative of the experience of bullying and I would not budge," director Lee Hirsch told the Daily News.

A number of high-profile celebrities including Ellen DeGeneres and Justin Bieber joined studio head Harvey Weinstein’s campaign of pressure against the MPAA. One high school student from Michigan, Katy Butler, started a online petition that garnered half a million signatures from across the country.

“All along, Lee and the Weinstein Co. felt like the movie deserved a PG-13, we didn't feel like the integrity should be compromised and I feel like a lot of people feel the same way,” said Stephen Bruno, the studio’s head of marketing.

And after losing an appeal with the film ratings board, the studio stood its ground: releasing the film without a rating when it opened last Friday in New York City and Los Angeles, running the risk that individual theaters wouldn't let kids in at all.

With the reversal, the louis vuitton womenswear filmmakers won't have to face that uncertainty when the film opens wide in 25 markets on April 13. The MPAA also waved the 90-day window normally required between the releases of two differently-rated versions of the same film so “Bully” could make its wide release date.

“In the case of Bully, the ratings system has worked exactly as it is supposed to: parents have been kept informed of the content of each version of the film, and they have been given the information they need to make movie-going decisions on behalf of their kids,” Joan Graves, Chairman of the Classification and Ratings Administration for the MPAA, said in a statement.

Olbermann's breach-of-contract lawsuit filed in Los Angeles on Thursday also seeks a judge's ruling that he didn't disparage the network before his firing, and that his former bosses violated his agreement by disclosing how much he was being paid.

The suit makes several attacks on Current co-founder Joel Hyatt and network President David Borman, claiming they were responsible for many of his show's problems.

A spokeswoman for the network, which was also co-founded by Vice President Al Gore, said it did not have an immediate comment on Olbermann's lawsuit.

The lawsuit comes roughly a week after Olbermann was fired from Countdown and two days after he attacked his former employers on David Letterman's late-night talk show.

"Current's dysfunction permeated all levels of the organization," the lawsuit states. "After being on the air for nearly eight months — long after all 'growing pains' should have ceased — Current still couldn't manage to, Classic louis vuitton sunglasses outlet 2012 new sale online discount literally, keep the lights on."

The complaint describes a litany of technical issues, including shoddy equipment that wouldn't work if it rained, "terrible sound and filming" of the show, guests who were abruptly dropped from the air, busted teleprompters and an earpiece that malfunctioned.

The talk show host claims he may be owed in excess of $70 million, and that the mismanagement at Current has damaged its value. He has an ownership stake in the network, according to the case.

"Olbermann deeply regrets his decision to put his trust in Hyatt and Gore," the lawsuit claims. "Current had neither the desire nor the ability to produce a first rate news commentary show. Olbermann did not join Current to ruin his hard-won reputation and appear on a show that was an embarrassment."

Olbermann was fired March 30 and replaced with a new program hosted by former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer. In a statement, Gore and Hyatt said their relationship with Olbermann no longer reflected respect and other values.

In his lawsuit, Olbermann accused Hyatt of acting erratically in his leadership at the network. He claims Hyatt threated to fire him and his staff days before the show premiered.

While the host is critical of Gore — at one point describing him and Hyatt as "dilettantes portraying entertainment industry executives" — his complaint does not attack the former vice president in the same way as he does others. The case even airs Olbermann's dissatisfaction with the network's decision to hire Cenk Uygur, who created the talk show The Young Turks.

Olbermann came to Current last burberry ties June after a stormy eight-year stint at MSNBC, his second at that network. The at-times volatile host abruptly left MSNBC in January 2011.

