
Taylor Swift has only been in one movie and it was 'Valentine's Day

So long, IE6. You had a good run as moncler jackets the dominant browser for the better part of a decade. But with the combined efforts of Mozilla, Google, Apple and (last bust certainly not least) Microsoft itself, your reign of Internet supremacy is coming to a final end. According to the latest metrics posted to the Windows Team Blog, Internet Explorer 6 is used by less than 1% of Windows PCs in the US, having been supplanted by IE7 and later versions, Firefox and Chrome.

Unfortunately, there’s a considerable amount of international users still hobbling along with the ancient browser. If you take out the United States numbers, approximately 8% of computers are using IE6. That’s a drop of less than 2% in the last six months. Still, that’s a far cry from where it was just a few short years ago: when IE7 was introduced in 2006, IE6 had a whopping 80% of the market cornered. Today, the combined share of Internet Explorer 7-10 is just over 50%, with IE8 taking the largest chunk of Microsoft’s users. Firefox and Chrome are duking it out for moncler jacket second place: Chrome recently took the lead over Firefox with almost 20% of the world market.

IE6 has been a headache for IT managers and web developers alike for years, mostly thanks to its many security holes and poor support for web standards. After introducing newer versions Microsoft itself has urged its customers to abandon the older browser in favor of the latest version. Currently the official release of IE is version 9, which had 12% of the total market all by itself as of December 2012. When Windows 8 is release later this year, the gold version of Internet Explorer 10 will accompany it.

Taylor Swift has reportedly been offered the role of Eponine in Tom Hooper's new "Les Miserables" movie, beating out more established actors including Lea Michele, Scarlett Johansson and Evan Rachel Wood. Opinion on the street (Broadway, of course) is mixed.

Pennsylvanian Molly Washok, 17, is very pleased with the prospect of seeing Swift as Eponine on the big screen. "I seriously love 'Les Miz.' It's a great Broadway musical," she said. "And I've seen Taylor Swift in shows and I love her so much. I'm a big fan of both, so it makes me excited."

Long Islander Katie Kendrick, 20, is also a fan of Ms. Swift but not as certain of her chops. "I love Taylor Swift — I bought her CDs, I have everything. But I'm not sure she'll be able to hit those notes that Eponine hits in her songs," Kendrick said.

If she's cast in "Les Miserables," Swift will join a group of A-list actors that includes Hugh Jackman, Helena Bonham Carter, Russell moncler jackets 2011 outlet Crowe and Anne Hathaway. (Amanda Seyfried has reportedly been offered the role of Cosette.) Among these veterans, Kendrick noted, Swift would stand out as the novice.

"Taylor Swift has only been in one movie and it was 'Valentine's Day,' where she had a role for 10 minutes, tops. And all these other actors have been in numerous roles. They're very well known in the acting industry while Taylor Swift is known in the singing industry," she said. "I wish her luck, but I'm not sure she'll be able to live up to the expectations that have been set previously."

Keely Kwok, 21, from Hamilton, Ontario, is willing to give Swift the benefit of the doubt. "She does have an incredible voice, I'll give her that," Kwok said. "It's a really great musical, so I hope she can pull it off."

Twenty-one-year-old New Yorker Julia Menn was less diplomatic in her assessment of Swift's credentials. "There are so many better people to play that part," Menn said. "I'd prefer Evan Rachel Wood, actually. I think she'd cheap moncler be fantastic."

So would Menn see a Wood-less "Les Miserables" when it hits theaters this December? "Well, since Hugh Jackman's in it, yes, I would."

