
Romney finished with around 38% of the vote

The former Massachusetts governor Burberry men t-shirts, cheap burberry t-shirts for men 2012 outlet became the first non-incumbent Republican to ever win the Iowa caucuses and then the Granite State primary, the first two contests in the primary and caucus calendar.
New Hampshire is Romney country. He owns a home there and has spent lots of time in the Granite State over the past six years campaigning for himself and for fellow Republicans.
He was expected to win big. So, did he beat expectations?
Romney finished with around 38% of the vote, the same as what Sen. John McCain captured when he beat Romney to win the primary here in 2008. Romney finished around 15 points ahead Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, who came in second. Solid but not spectacular numbers.
Second place can be just as good as first
How do you top a strong third-place finish in Iowa? By finishing an ever stronger second a week later in New Hampshire.
Thanks in part to an outpouring of independent voters, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas captured the silver medal in the Granite State, which he calls a win.
"I called Gov. Romney a short while ago before he gave his talk and congratulated him because he had a clear-cut victory, but we are nibbling at his heels," Paul said in his speech Tuesday night, adding that, "there was another victory tonight. He had a victory, but we have had a victory for the cause of liberty."
Exit polls indicate Paul scored big among younger voters, first-time voters, and held his own against Romney among independents. (What do the exit polls say?)
Paul may not perform as well in South Carolina and Florida, the next two states to hold contests. But thanks to showing in Iowa and placing in New Hampshire, the libertarian-leaning Paul can keep his "revolution" alive for months to come.
Tim Pawlenty on Romney's competition cheap burberry ties Ron Paul campaign chair on 2nd place Paul: We're nibbling at Romney's heels Huntsman: Third place is ticket to ride
Third's enough for Huntsman
He didn't win the gold or silver, but it seems a bronze medal is good enough for Jon Huntsman to fight another day.
"I'd say third-place is a ticket to ride," Huntsman told supporters Tuesday night, adding at the end of this speech, "Here we go to South Carolina."
The former Utah governor and ambassador to China placed all his chips on New Hampshire, skipping campaigning in Iowa, the state that kicked off the presidential primary and caucus calendar, to concentrate just about all of his time on the Granite State.
Exit polls of people who voted in the primary indicate that Huntsman performed well with independent voters, grabbing nearly a quarter of their vote. He also came out on top among the small percentage of Republicans who say they're not supporters of the Tea Party movement. Those factors may have helped him in fiercely independent New Hampshire, but it won't give him a boost in South Carolina, which has a much more conservative Republican electorate.
Huntsman got his "ticket to ride" to move on to South Carolina, but its not clear how much longer his ride will last.
...in a blaze of glory
He was hoping for third but finished fourth. Now he's hoping to make a stand in South Carolina.
Newt Gingrich turned off the niceness that he had avowed — and runs against his political history — after the blistering attacks from super PACs that support Romney toppled him from front-runner to also-ran in a couple of weeks.
But Gingrich's new line of attack — condemning Romney's history at private equity firm Bain Capital — has turned a key part of his own party, including one-time ally Rush Limbaugh who compared Gingrich to Occupy Wall Street, against the former House speaker.
Tracking the New Hampshire ballot Gergen: Romney's N.H. speech memorable Gingrich: Let me be your spokesperson
Attacks on capitalism is a dubious strategy in Republican primaries, but Gingrich appears to be intent on doing as much damage to the front-runner as he can, no matter the cost.
A super PAC supporting Gingrich plans to launch a video on Wednesday called "When Mitt Romney Came to Town," which portrays Romney as Bain chief as a heartless cheap burberry corporate raider who maximized profits at the expense of workers.

