
Romney said he's put forth more plans on these

Trying to stay focused on jobs and the economy, burberry bags Mitt Romney was pulled into a discussion of social issues at a town hall meeting Tuesday.

The hot-button topics have sprung to the forefront of the discussion among candidates and pundits recently with Romney trying to keep the attention on what he sees as his strong point: his business experience.

But a couple of audience members at Eagle Manufacturing asked Romney not about his economic plan — which was the focus of his visit — but about his positions on abortion, gay marriage (he's against both) and his reaction to President Barack Obama's about-face on forcing religious institutions to offer contraceptives as part of health insurance plans.

The Obama administration, Romney responded, has fought against religious freedoms. "I will make sure we never again attack religious liberty."

Lis Smith, an Obama campaign spokeswoman, told the www.fashiontoy.com Associated Press Romney's comments were "disgraceful."

Romney said when he comes back to the Metro area Friday he'll use his appearance before the Detroit Economic Club at Ford Field to further outline his plan to lower taxes, reduce spending and protect Medicare and Social Security.

The message, he told more than 400 people at a snowy campaign stop: "We know what it takes to get Washington to work, so that America works, so that Michigan works."

Romney released a 59-point economic plan last year and stumps burberry sunglasses frequently on lower tax rates, lessening regulation, opening up domestic energy supplies and a balanced budget.

On Tuesday, Romney again accused Obama of trying to transform America into something unrecognizable, while the former Massachusetts governor said he wants to restore the founding principles. He garnered cheers for pledging to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which was blocked by the Obama administration.

He criticized Obama for not leading on entitlement reforms, tax policy and budget balancing.

Romney said he's put forth more plans on these issues than the president. And "I'm just running for the job, he's had it" for three years, Romney said.

One questioner asked about Romney's contrast to Santorum, calling the former Pennsylvania senator "nothing but a Washington insider."

Romney said Santorum's record www.buymyfavorite.com shows him voting for raising the debt ceiling and defending earmarks. He said a Washington insider can't make changes needed in Washington.

